Message of the CEO

At Raza Rice and General Mills, we are dedicated to providing you with the highest-quality rice products. Our journey in the rice industry is marked by dedication, innovation, and an unwavering commitment to excellence. We prioritize quality, sustainability, and community support.

Global Rice Manufacturers: Crafting Quality, Delivering Taste

Our Process

Turning Paddy into Rice

Our process involve cleaning, dehusking, milling, and polishing. First, the paddy undergoes cleaning to remove debris and impurities. Then, it's dehusked to reveal the brown rice. Milling removes the bran and germ, yielding white rice. Finally, polishing gives it a glossy finish. This transformation demands precision and expertise, ensuring the production of high-quality rice for consumption worldwide.

Quality Assurance

Our Commitment to Excellence

A Bird's Eye View of Raza Rice Mill

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